Asked by: Alyssa Uva
Asked in category: personal finance, mutual funds
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the difference in growth funds and income funds?

A growth fund seeks to increase the capital invested over time. An income fund, on the other hand, targets steady, sometimes rising income that can be paid to investors or re-invested, while preserving the original amount paid in.

So, what exactly is a growth and income fund?

A mutual fund or ETF that focuses on growth and income is a type of mutual fund. It has a dual strategy, which combines capital appreciation (growth), and current income through dividends and interest payments. A blend fund that invests in both value and growth stocks is called a growth and income fund.

What is another name for income and growth funds? Many income and growth funds include the phrase "growth and income" in their fund names. This convenient moniker could be misleading. Vanguard Growth & Income is a popular example of a fund that combines income and growth. It only invests in stocks, both value and growth stocks.

So, which is the best income and growth fund?

Top Growth & Income ETFs at 1/31/20

Fund Name Get more information Overall Rating
PPTY US Diversified Real Estate PPTY A+
Pacer Benchmark D and I Re SCTR SRVR A+
Invesco China Real Estate TAO A
National Equity ETF that is US-based on Risk RBUS A

Do I want to invest for growth or income?

Income investing. Income Investors invest in companies that have steady, but slow Growth . Growth Investors look for stocks that will hopefully offer capital appreciation. These companies are more likely to generate higher revenues and grow, and they will reinvest their earnings rather than paying dividends.