Asked by: Mayca Maksimtsev
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do you use the Intex sand filter?


This is why you might want to use an Intex pool with a sand filter.

Intex Krystal Clear sand filter pump will keep your pool water clean and safe. Sand filters are the most common way to keep pool clean. Sometimes, they can pick up more small algae and dirt particles from your pool.

How much sand is required for Intex pool filters? What media type and size should I use for the INTEX Sand filter system? The preferred type of media is No. 20 grade silica, with specifications of 0.45 to 0.85mm (00.018 to 0.33 inches), with a Uniformity Coefficient lower than 1.75.

This is how to change the sand in an Above Ground Pool Filter.

  1. The Multiport Valve should be removed. The multiport valve is connected to hoses and pipes.
  2. Cover the Standpipe.
  3. Take out the Sand
  4. Rinse the Tank and Laterals.
  5. Halfway fill the tank with water.
  6. Add the new sand.
  7. Fill the Tank with water and reassemble the connections.
  8. Rinse and backwash the filter.

How can I clean my Intex Sand filter?

How to Backwash an Intex Pool

  1. Turn off the pump filter
  2. Turn the filter on back-wash.
  3. Connect a pipe or hose to the discharge port.
  4. Turn on the filter.
  5. Turn off the filter, and then set the filter mode to its normal position.
  6. The hose should be disconnected from the discharge port.