Asked by: Nuta Obermair
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What are the white grubs in my soil UK?

About Chafer Grubs
These creamy-white larvae, or grubs, are found just below the soil surface and feed mainly on roots in August and September. The larvae are the most common cause of plant damage, but the adults can also severely damage the upper parts.

Also, you might be interested in this question: How can I get rid of white grubs from soil?

Spray your vegetable garden or lawn with the spray. Another natural method to kill Grub Worms is to use milky spore. Spread the milky spore on your lawn to kill grubworms. It can last up to 10 years. Keep your lawn and vegetable garden hydrated to reduce the damage done by grubworms.

What do large white grubs become? White Grubs are immatures of various Scarab Beetles such as Japanese Beetles and June "bugs" (beetles), or European Chafers. Grubs become adult Beetles when they mate with other Grubs and then lay eggs which hatch into more Grubs.

What are the white grubs that live in my soil?

White grubs, which look a lot like slugs, are the larval stage of many insects. They grow up to the surface and eat the roots of grasses and other plants. White grubs most often encountered are the larvae and European Chafers (or Masked Chafers), Billbugs, Oriental Beetles, Japanese Beetles, and European Chafers.

Are grubs good for your garden?

Grubbworms can cause serious damage to your garden. These pests can inflict severe and permanent damage on your garden by feeding on the roots of turfgrass and plants . After you've taken the necessary steps to eliminate the grubs from your garden, take preventive measures to keep them away.