Asked by: Bondad Niedzielsk
Asked in category: books and literature, travel books
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Why did the Byzantine Empire survive so long?

Because it was impossible to break the walls of Constantinople before the advent of gunpowder artillery, the main reason the Eastern Roman Empire survived for almost 1000 years after the fall from the west was that it was virtually impossible. Constantinople was protected by three layers of defensive walls, and a large moat.

Also, was it possible for the Byzantine Empire to survive so long?

Many factors contributed to the survival of the Byzantine Empire for 1000 years after the fall of the Roman Empire. These included the fact that Constantinople was the capital of Byzantine Empire and was protected by walls that lasted nearly the entire 1000 year period. This made Constantinople the heart of the empire.

How long did the Byzantine Empire survive? 1,100 years

In the same way, one might ask: What made the Byzantine Empire so successful and rich?

Why did the Byzantine Empire become so successful and wealthy, and how did it eventually fall? Constantinople was located in the middle of trade routes, seas and land. Trade and its strong military were the key to its wealth. Constantinople was secure and prospered despite the collapse of western Roman cities.

Why didn't Constantinople get conquered so long ago?

Two factors made Constantinople so difficult to conquer. Their double walls and Greek flame. They could store huge amounts of grain, and would withstand years under siege.