Asked by: Zelia Malkorra
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Who was Nelly Mozer?

Marcel Moser, a French plant breeder and inventor of 'Nelly Moser,' bred the clematis in France in 1897. It is one the most beloved clematis ever and was the first to have contrasting coloured bars.

This begs the question: What group of clematis are Nelly Moser?

Clematis (group 2): This climber is deciduous, so it will lose all of its leaves in autumn. Then new foliage will appear each spring. The delicate, pale pinkish-mauve, early-summer flowers are striking with their striking pink stripes and reddish brown centres.

The question then becomes, "What pruning group is Nelly Mozer?" Clematis Pruning group 2 Flowers in late Spring and summer and those that flower twice (once at the beginning of spring and again at the end of summer). This group includes the large-flowered Nelly Moser and Niobe, Bees Jubilee Bees Jubilee Bees Jubilee Bees Jubilee Bees Jubilee Bees Jubilea, Aneta, Princess Charlotte, and others.

This is why you should ask when to prune Clematis Nelly Moser.

Clematis vines need to be pruned in the late winter or early spring, before new growth begins, and after the first flush in early summer.

How can you prune Dr Ruppel's clematis plants?

Prune in the late winter (February):

  1. Before growth starts, remove any dead or weak stems. You should inspect each stem from the top until you have a pair of healthy buds. Then, prune just above the buds and remove any spindly or damaged growth.
  2. Avoid excessive pruning, or your flowers may be damaged.