Asked by: Ananias Wassmuth
Asked in category: sports, horse racing
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is COB feed?

Grain is one the most common meals that horses are fed. People have been feeding horses oats for years, corn and barley to race horses, and even the old coba (Corn–Oats–Barley mix) as a treat, or as a main meal. Most grains used in horse feeds are processed to improve digestion.

What is dry cob, then?

Rogue Quality Feeds Dry C.O.B. Corn/ Oats/ Barley is a nutritious mix of steam-flaked oats, corn and barley. Dry C.O.B. provides energy for various species of livestock.

What is sweet feed for cattle? Sweet Cattle Feed 12% Roughage Products and Plant Protein Products, Grain Products, Molasses are some of the INGREDIENTS.

What is horse feed in this context?

Triticale, wheat and rye can all be fed to horses. However, these grains are less common than The Big Threea grains that are most commonly used in horse diets. Corn is added to feed to provide energy and provides 1.54 Mcal of digestible Energy (DE) per pound.

What should a horse of 1000 pounds eat?

An 1000 pound horse must consume between 10 and 20 kilos of hay each day, according to LSU.