Asked by: Alessio Diels
Asked in category: healthy living, smoking cessation
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Which is better for anxiety: SNRIs or SSRIs?

SNRIs can increase serotonin levels and norepinephrine. Similar to SSRIs it is the long-term effects SNRIs which are beneficial for anxiety. SSRIs can sometimes have an immediate effect on SNRIs. This is why they may need to be taken slowly.

SSRIs are more efficient than SNRIs, but this is just one example.

Although SNRIs are more effective than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), there is no evidence to support their effectiveness in treating depression. One treatment may be more effective than another for some people.

You may also wonder what the differences are between SSRIs and SNRI antidepressants. The major difference between SSRIs & SNRIs lies in the fact that SSRIs block the reuptake serotonin, while SNRIs stop the reuptake serotonin. SSRI stands to be selective serotonin reuptake inhibit and SNRI stands as serotonin reuptake and inhibitor.

You may then wonder, "How does SNRI help with anxiety?"

SNRIs are used to reduce the amount of neurotransmitters that a person's brain cells absorb. SNRIs work to stabilize these neurotransmitters and can improve a person’s mood, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Which anxiety medication is better Zoloft, Lexapro or Lexapro?

Zoloft has been approved for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder. It can also be used off-label in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) cases. Lexapro has been approved for GAD treatment and can be used off label to treat panic disorder and social anxiety disorder.