Asked by: Madrona Vylomov
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts, news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

Why did Germany invade Denmark and Norway in 1940?

Operation WeserA 1/4 Bung SA 1/4 D was Germany's plan to invade Norway. The attack on Denmark was part. Its primary purpose was to protect the iron ore shipped from Narvik. The Germans had to take control of the port outside Aalborg, northern Jutland, in order to capture Norway.

This begs the question: Why did Germany attack Norway in 1944?

British plans to invade Norway in March and April 1940 were made under the pretext that Germany was attacking. This was primarily to destroy the Swedish iron ore mines at GA$?llivare. This was to divert German forces from France and open a front in South Sweden.

Similar to what happened when Germany invaded Denmark. April 9, 1940

People also ask: What year did Germany invade Denmark, Norway, and other countries?

April 9, 1940 to June 10, 1940

Was Denmark invaded in WW2 by Germany?

Operation WeserA 1/4 bung was launched by Germany to occupy Denmark on 9 April 1940. The king and government continued to function as normal until 29 August 1943 when Germany placed Denmark under direct military occupation. This occupation lasted until the Allies won the war on 5 May 1945.