Asked by: Ibrahem Heyd
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can you top during flowering?

The height of your plants can be controlled by letting them grow unaffected during the vegetative phase. However, topping before flowering will also help. When your plants reach the flowering stage , top every branch. This will reduce the flower stretch.

Similar to the previous question, which week of flowering do buds grow most?

The most important factor in flowering is when your cannabis plants start to grow quickly. It depends on which strain you choose, it usually takes 3 to 5 week. Because the buds are still soft and compacted, you can continue to spray your plant.

Second, how long can you keep your flowers blooming after topping? Two weeks

How tall should you be to flower?

An indica plant can flower at around 18 inches if it starts flowering when 12 inches tall. This math is fairly consistent. A 2ft tall indica will most likely flower at 3 feet.

How can I stop stretching while flowering?

Training plants - Start the first week of your plant's growth by performing LST (low strength training), which involves tying down the limbs close to the media and teaching the limbs how to stay low. Next comes the flowering stage. Let the limbs grow towards light and develop buds before filling out.