Asked by: Zhengyong Dominguez
Asked in category: automotive, auto safety technologies
Last Updated: 13th May 2024

What is shift lock for automatic cars?

Shift Lock is generally used to refer to the Shift Interlock System (automatic transmissions) for automobiles. It is responsible for preventing the vehicle from going into any other gear than Park, unless the brake pedal has been depressed.

What is the purpose of the shift lock button in an automatic transmission?

Shift lock release allows drivers to switch between the available automatic transmission options. The shift button can be found either on the top or side lever of the gear selector. It allows the driver to lock the gear to their choice.

How do I disable shift lock? Click on the Advanced Key Settings tab, then choose the Press the Shift key. To save your changes, click OK and exit. It is possible to test it right away using your keyboard. You can enable the Caps Lock key and press it again to disable it. Instead of pressing the Shift key, you can simply press the Shift button.

How do you use Shift Lock Release?

  1. You must first apply the parking brake.
  2. Now take the key from the ignition.
  3. Use a flat-head screwdriver, or another tool that does the same job.
  4. Once you have removed the cover remove the key and insert it into the slot.
  5. Now, gently push the key down.
  6. Take the key out.

How can you drive an automatic car while it isn't on?

How to Move Your Car without Starting It

  1. You can direct one or more strong individuals to help you push the vehicle to the desired place.
  2. Breathe.
  3. Turn the ignition to "On" and insert the key.
  4. Move the gearshift to "N", or neutral, and then release it. While the vehicle is being driven, you can steer and brake.