Asked by: Pavel Gutu
Asked in category: medical health, infectious diseases
Last Updated: 14th May 2024

How do nurses use epidemiology?

Nurse epidemiologists are trained to identify high-risk populations and monitor their progress. They also determine the priorities and size of programs, as well as evaluate their impact. Although they do not usually provide direct patient care, they can be a resource or plan educational programs.

Hence, why is epidemiology so important for nursing?

BACKGROUND. Epidemiological research has a lot of value for helping to determine the health and plan for health service policy. It is still poorly understood and underutilized by the nursing profession.

You may also wonder, "What are the four uses of epidemiology?" To determine the prevalence, incidence, prevalence, mortality, and other aspects of disease and health in the community. This is possible when society is changing and new health problems are emerging. To examine the functioning of health services.

What should then be included in epidemiology

The major areas of epidemiological research include: disease causation, transmission and outbreak investigation, disease surveillance.

What is an example in epidemiology?

An example of applied epidemiology is the monitoring of community reports on communicable diseases. The study of how a specific dietary component affects your risk of developing breast cancer.