Asked by: Teresina Callsen
Asked in category: home and garden, smart home
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

Who was the winner of the HGTV Kitchen Makeover 2019 contest?

Beverly Fulkerson, Osgood (Indiana) - Congratulations! She is the proud winner of HGTVA(r), Dream Home Giveaway 2019, which includes a grand prize package worth more than $2.3 million.

Is the 2019 winner of HGTV also being notified?

Tiffany Brooks, HGTV host, surprised Maureen Rustrian, a Basking Ridge, New Jersey grand-prize winner. Even for this dedicated fan, hearing from Tiffany Brooks, HGTV host and designer, that she was the winner of the HGTV smart home 2019 award was too amazing to be true.

What taxes will you have to pay if you win HGTV Dream Home? Taxes. According to Mark Luscombe principal analyst at Wolters Kluwer tax & Accounting, the federal income tax bill for Fulkerson's $2.3 million prize package would amount to $789,140.

So, who was the winner of the HGTV fantasy cooking kitchen?

Karen Carter

Who was the winner of HGTV Minneapolis 2019

Tiffany Brooks, designer and host, set out to surprise the lucky winner for HGTV Smart Homes 2019 at her New Jersey home.