Asked by: Doug Rittersbacher
Asked in category: medical health, pharmaceutical drugs, medical health, pharmaceutical drugs
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What's the peak and trough?


Another question is: What does peak and trough actually mean?

Atrougha is the lowest level drug in the patient's bloodstream. It is usually measured before the next dose. The highest level of the drug is known as the apeaka and is usually measured around 30 minutes after the medication has been fully infused.

Also, find out what high trough levels mean. Trough level. Trough level. It is useful in therapeutic drug monitoring.

Similar to the above, when should a peak or trough be drawn.

The drug's next dose is administered immediately after the trough level is taken. Depending on the drug, a peak level may be drawn between 1 and several hours after the drug has been administered.

What is the peak and trough levels of vancomycin?

Trough levels are taken just before a person receives their next dose of vancomycin. Peak levels can be collected within 1 to 2 hours of the completion of an intravenous Vancomycin dosage. Some people will order both peak and trough concentrations at regular intervals.