Asked by: Myrtis Pacio
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, painting
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What time does primer take to dry before it can rain?

While oil base primer can take longer to dry, it can be withstanded by rain very quickly. The primer will not be affected by rain as long as it is dry.

You may also wonder if primer can be rained on.

It is okay to leave the primer exposed for a week or two, provided it dried prior to the rain. It may need to be lightly sanded before you apply the finish.

Will primer also wash away? It's not worth crying about primer that has been spilled; most primer can be washed off. If you have ever watched with wonder how people apply primer in "good" clothes on home improvement programs, you are not the only one.

Keep this in mind, how long will you need to wait before painting after it rains?

To paint an exterior wall that has been rained on, it may take 4 hours in direct sunlight. You should allow the surface to dry for at least one day.

What time does it take for paint to dry before applying the second coat?

Two to four hours