Asked by: Eni Stenneken
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

Is it the same thing with dried cranberries and Craisins?

Dried cranberries (also known as aCraisinsa) are different from raisins. Ocean Spray may want you to believe they are the identical, but there's a big difference. Raisins are dried grapes without sugar and dried cranberries with added sugar.

Another question is: Why are dried cranberries called Craisins,

Dried cranberries can sometimes be called craisins because of their similarity to raisins. However, the term "Craisin", a trademarked trademark of Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., cannot officially be applied to dried Cranberries from other manufacturers.

You might also wonder if dried cranberries are sweetened. Dried cranberries have very few health benefits, but they do provide a small amount of dietary fiber. Dried cranberries can still have a significant effect on blood sugar because they are often sweetened and naturally high in sugar.

Can you then substitute Craisins instead of cranberries

No. CraisinsA (r) Dried cranberries can easily be taken out of the bag. CraisinsA (r) can be substituted for fresh or frozen Cranberries. You should use 3/4 cup CraisinsA (r) if you need 1 cup fresh cranberries.

Is dried cranberry bad for you?

Although dried fruit is extremely nutritious, it also has a lot of calories and sugar. Cranberry pills provide many health benefits without the need to consume cranberries every day.