Asked by: Airton Fromer
Asked in category: business and finance, human resources
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

Who said talent is better than hard work?

Kevin Durant quotes: "Hard work beats talent when talents fail to wora."

This is not all. Who said that talent beats hard work?

Kevin Durant

The next question is: Who is Tim Notke? This is a quote that Tim Notke, a former high school basketball coach, originally wrote. But, most people believe that Kevin Durant was the originator. Durant made it famous during his draft into the NBA. Tim Notke, a high school basketball coach, said this in a motivational speech to his players.

One might also wonder, "Hard work beats talent" when talent isn't there.

Quote Tim Notke: Hardwork beats talent when talent isn't therea

Talent or hard work?

True, it is possible to achieve better results if you work hard or spend a lot of time on something than someone who has a natural talent for the activity. Talents that are compatible with a particular activity make it easier.