Asked by: Haiat Mitschke
Asked in category: medical health, cancer
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is metastatic prostate carcinoma?

Your doctor might tell you if your prostate cancer spreads to other areas of your body that it is "metastatic" (or that it has "metastasized". Most commonly, prostate carcinoma spreads from the bones to the lymph nodes. Metastatic prostate cancer can be a more advanced form of cancer.

What is the survival rate for metastatic prostate cancer?

The American Cancer Society states that local prostate cancer with no spread has a survival rate of nearly 100% after 5 years. Prostate Cancer With Local Spread also has a 5-year Survival Rate of nearly 100%. A 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer with distant metastasis is around 30%.

Is metastatic prostate cancer curable? Also known as metastatic prostate cancer, There are currently no treatment options for advanced/ metastatic prostatic cancer. There are ways to slow down its spread, prolong its life and manage its symptoms.

What stage is metastatic prostate carcinoma?

Metastatic stage IV or D2 prostate carcinoma is a form of cancer that has spread to distant organs. This stage of prostate cancer is difficult to treat, but patients can live several years with the right treatment.

What is the average life expectancy for stage 4 prostate cancer patients?

Stage 4 cancer's prognosis can vary depending on the extent of spread. The stage 4 stage with regional metastases is Stage 4. This stage of prostate cancer has a survival rate of almost 100% over the next five years.