Asked by: Khadidjetou Pigott
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What's the purpose of an ophthalmoscope?

Ophthalmoscopy allows your ophthalmologist or eye doctor to examine the back of your eyes. The fundus is the back of your eye and includes: retina. optic disc.

It is also important to understand the purpose of an ophthalmoscope.

Ophthalmoscopy's purpose. AC/ An ophthalmoscope can be used to examine the inner eyes, also known as the retina or fundus. It is the only place (and the only way) veins and blood vessels can be seen in their natural state (in vivo).

What is green light on an ophthalmoscope, too? With its short wavelength, green-light ophthalmoscopy enhances certain fundus and vitreous structures. It may also make it possible to examine pathological conditions (premacular disease, vascular abnormalities etc. )

What can an ophthalmoscope detect in this situation?

It's used to diagnose and treat retinal detachment, as well as eye diseases like glaucoma. Ophthalmoscopy can also be performed if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or any other disease that affects the blood vessels.

What is a Fundoscopic exam?

However, the fundoscopic examination can reveal pathological processes otherwise hidden. Examples include being able recognize endocarditis and disseminated candidemia in HIV-infected patients and being able stage both diabetes or hypertension.