Asked by: Fadila Adolphs
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is stickiness when load balancing is done?

Sessions stickiness is a process where a loadbalancer establishes an affinity between a client (i.e. the time that a particular IP spends browsing a website) for the duration of the session.

What is sticky session, then?

Sticky Sessions. This is a method that is used in Application load Balancing to achieve server-affinity. A load balancer or router with sticky-session support can assign one server to a specific user based on their IP address or HTTP session.

What is sticky session ELB (AWS)? Sticky sessions (session affinity), allows a load balancer set up to bind all sessions to one instance. This ensures that all sessions are sent to the same instance. If: 1. The registered instance isn't inserting an app cookie.

What is a sticky session in this context?

Sticky session is a feature in many commercial load-balancing solutions for web farms that routes the requests for a specific session to the same machine that served the initial request for that session.

What's the difference between sticky and round robin?

What's the difference between Load Balancer Sticky Session and Round Robin Loadbalancing? A load balancer that maintains sticky session will create an unique session object to each client. Because unique session-related data doesn't need to be moved from one server to another, sticky sessions are more efficient.