Asked by: Clodoaldo Paliza
Asked in category: business and finance, bankruptcy, business and finance, bankruptcy
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Who is the registered agent of an LLC?

A Registered Agent is a responsible party who is located within the state where a business entity was created. They are designated to receive service notices, correspondence and other official government notifications, such as tax forms and notices of lawsuits on

This in mind, can you become the registered agent of your LLC?

As long as you have a physical address in the state where your corporation is located, you can be your own Registered Agent. However, the actual corporation or LLC that is being formed cannot name itself as its Registered Agent.

How do I choose a registered representative? 5 Things to Consider When Choosing A Registered Agent

  1. Select a professional service. The task of a registered agent seems straightforward at first glance: maintain an office that is open during business hours.
  2. Value is more important than price.
  3. Choose a national provider.
  4. Evaluate service levels.
  5. Assess software.

Also, find out who is the agent for an LLC.

An LLC registered agent (also known by resident agent, statute agent or agent for service or process) is a third party individual or entity that will act as your limited liability business' main point of contact with the state where you do business.

Is a registered agent the same person as an owner?

You create an LLC to establish an entity that is independent of any of its owners. An LLC is not a person. Therefore, an individual must accept legal aprocessa like lawsuits and subpoenas for its behalf. This person is the LLC registered agents, sometimes called a Statutory Agent.