Asked by: Paola Margot
Asked in category: science, environment
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

Which planet is the victim of a runaway greenhouse effect?

According to planetary geologists, there is strong evidence that Venus was the victim a runaway greenhouse effect that turned the planet into the boiling hell it is today. As the Sun's luminosity increases, a similar disaster is almost certain to hit Earth within 2 billion years.

This raises the question: Which planet is experiencing a runaway greenhouse effect from this?


Second, what is Venus' greenhouse effect? Venus is approximately the same size as Earth in mass and size, but its surface temperature hovers around 460 degrees Celsius. This temperature is hot enough for lead to melt! The majority of the Venusian atmosphere is made up carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gases. Only a small fraction of the atmosphere on Earth is made up carbon dioxide.

This is why a runaway greenhouse effect occurred on Venus.

TROPICAL "RUNAWAY GREENHOUSE" PROVIDES INSIGHTS TO VENUS In these conditions, the faster a planet warms up, the higher its surface temperature.

What would happen to earth if there were no green house gasses?

The earth would be almost 35AdegC (63AdegF colder) without the naturally occurring greenhouse gases (principally, water vapor, and CO2) and would be less suitable for human existence.