Asked by: Emmitt Baldeweg
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How did Clementine, the name of the spacecraft Clementine, get its name?

How did Clementine, the spacecraft named Clementine, get its name? The Clementine song is named after "Oh My Darling Clementine". The song's title is "Thou are lost, gone forever" - a reference to the one-way journey that has no return.

Another question is: How did Clementine improve our knowledge about the moon?

It collected information on the mineral content in moon rock and mapped features on moons surfaces, including large impact basins.

Also, know which theory is currently the most accepted about the origins of the moon. View Flashcards

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Which theory is currently the most accepted about the origins of the Moon's existence? The Moon was formed by material that was blasted from the Earth in a collision with an object of planet-sized size

This is why Clementine was placed in lunar orbit.

Clementine was launched to the Moon by the United States for the first time in more than 20 years. It was built to test components of spacecraft during extended space exposure and to study an asteroid and the Moon. Although the mission achieved its lunar objectives successfully, an error forced the cancellation of the asteroid flyby.

Is there a dragon on a moon?

Moon dragons (Draco lunam), are a mysterious species. They're similar to the infinity dragons. They are also known as night Dragons and prowl the skies when the moon has full. However, they seem to be absent when it3_ is new. They are the counterpart to the infinity Dragon, as the infinity is also the sundragon.