Asked by: Enna Koutaibi
Asked in category: news and politics, political issues
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Which president has never issued an executive or directive?

Franklin D. Roosevelt holds the record for making 3,522 executive orders.

Which president has issued more executive order?

Consolidated list of Presidents

# President Total Executive Orders
42 Bill Clinton 364
43 George W. Bush 291
44 Barack Obama 276
45 Donald Trump 140

How many executive orders were issued all in total? Barack Obama has issued 276 executive order between 2009-2017.

Also, did Obama sign any executive order?

Below are the executive orders numbers 13489a13764 as well as Presidential memoranda signed and dated by President Barack Obama. Additional 1186 Presidential proclamations are available on WikiSource, some of which are not listed here.

Why did President Barack Obama sign an executive order in 2012, and what is the motivation?

Executive order 1353 provides the authority to allocate or appropriate resources, materials and services in support of national defense.