Asked by: Dayanara Jabar
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What are the nerve Fibre bundles that connect the primary visual cortex to the lateral geniculate?

LGN receives information directly via the optic tract from ascending retinal Ganglion cells and the reticular activating systems. The optic radiation is a pathway that directs the primary visual cortex to the LGN neurons.

This being said, which of these carries information from LGN to the visual cortex from the lateral-geniculate nucleus in the thalamus LGN?

Optic radiation One optic radiation is on each side. It transmits information from the thalamic-lateral geniculate nucleus up to layer 4 of visual cortex. The LGN's P layer neurons relay information to V1 layer 4C II2.

You might also wonder, "What is the path of visual processing?" The Visual Pathway. The visual path is a series of cells and synapses which carry visual information to the brain for Processing. It includes the optic nerve, optic nerve, optic tract and optic radiations (Figure 13-1).

You might also wonder, "Where is the lateral-geniculate nucleus?"

They wrap around the middlebrain, cross the medial surface and terminate in a synaptic relay known as the lateral geniculate nocleus (LGN), which is located in the dorsal portion of the thalamus. Each optic tract targets the LGN as their major target.

What is the striate cortex?

The striate cortex is the portion of the visual cortex responsible for processing visual information. The striate cortex is the first area of the visual cortex that receives input from thalamus' lateral geniculate nucleus.