Asked by: Sherie Haydter
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, radio control
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Which Kingdom is the dogfish-shark in?


What class is the dogfish-shark in?

Cartilaginous fishes

What is a dogfish shark, also known as a spurdog, mud shark or spiny dogfish? One of the most well-known species in the Squalidae (dogfish), family is the spiny dogfish, spurdog or mud shark (Squalus.acanthias). It is part of Squaliformes.

This is why sharks are called dogfish.

Spiny dogfish sharks, also known as spiny dogfish sharks, are social and gregarious. They travel in groups of hundreds to thousands of people. Because they hunt and travel in groups, they are known as dogfish. They migrate in schools and follow cool waters.

What is the kingdom and role of the shark?
