Asked by: Marbella Mikolajcza
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Which cranial nerve controls accommodation?

Oculomotor nerve

Which cranial nerve controls constriction of pupil and accommodation of lens?

Three main motor functions of the oculomotor nervous (the third and final cranial nerve, CNIII) are: Innervation to eyelids (somatic), Innervation to eye muscles (somatic), Visual tracking and gaze fixation (somatic).

What is pupil accommodation? Accommodation is your ability to see objects close-up and far away. Your pupils won't respond to accommodation if you try to shift your focus from your face to an object farther away or closer to your face.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "How do I check accommodation?"

Move your finger to the tip of their nose. Watch how their pupils change. (The black dots at the center of their eyes) They will look cross-eyed when they try to follow your finger. This is the accommodation reflex.

What part of the eye does accommodation involve?

Structures of accommodation Ocular structures that are involved in accommodation include: the pupil, ciliary muscle and lens. Here is a brief description of these structures.