Asked by: Lita Pajero
Asked in category: business and finance, human resources, business and finance, human resources
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

How can Labour unions improve employee and employer relations?

Trade unions are independent, member-based organizations of workers that represent and bargain on behalf of workers. They offer advice to members when they have problems at work, represent them in discussions with employers and help improve wages by negotiating with employers.

This is how you can improve employer-employee relationships.

There are many ways you can improve employee satisfaction and relations within your company.

  1. Encourage dialogue and communication
  2. Concentrate on the Company's Missions and Values.
  3. Encourage employees to feel valued
  4. Inspire and Reward.
  5. Offer Career Development.
  6. Promoting a healthy work/life balance

What effect do trade unions have on employee relations? A trade union's primary purpose is to regulate employee relations between employers and employees through: collective bargaining (negotiation over pay and other conditions of work) and consultation (discussions on business and workplace issues that impact employment levels and terms and conditions).

How can unions help employers in this regard?

Because unions increase wage inequality, they raise wages more for low and middle-wage workers that for higher-wage employees, more for blue-collar workers than for white-collar, and more for workers without a college degree. Unions that are strong set a standard for pay that non-union employers must follow.

What are the benefits of unions?

Unions are associated to higher productivity, lower employee turnover and better workplace communication. There is a lot of academic literature about the economic growth and benefits of unions.