Asked by: Danka Holten
Asked in category: news and politics, elections, news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What is a person called who is not a part of a political party?

An Independent is a Member of Parliament who doesn't belong to or represent any political party. An independent can run for elections. A sitting Member of Parliament might decide to renounce their party affiliation and become an independent.

What is the proper name for this when you are not a Democrat?

An unaffiliated voter is one who does not identify with a political party.

The next question is: What is a non-partisan organization? This means that the organization is not allowed to support or oppose political candidates, parties, or in some cases other votes, but it does not mean that it cannot take positions on issues.

You may also ask, "What do you call someone who has no political views?"

Apathy or antipathy toward all political affiliations is considered apoliticism. Apolitical can also refer to situations where people take an impartial position regarding political issues. According to the Collins Dictionary, apolitical is "politically neutral" without any political views, content, bias, or bias.

What do you call a political party?

A political party is an organized group that shares the same ideology or has the same political views. They field candidates for elections in an effort to get them elected and implement the party's agenda.