Asked by: Shaira Ojer
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What is a gift bearer?

Gift bearers The gift bearers are those who bring the bread, wafers, and wine to the community. This will transform the mystery of transsubstantiation into Christ's real body and blood. It is customary to bow before the altar after handing over the gifts.

Consider this: Who brings up the gifts at Catholic weddings?

Our gifts will be presented by our Maid/Matron-of-Honor and best man. This option was available to us in the Together for Life booklet. The priest prepares the gifts.

What are the best offertory gifts? 6 Gifts That You Can Prepare For Offertory

  • Flowers. Flowers in your wedding colors.
  • Candles. These are symbols of unity and the illumination of your path.
  • Fruits. You can give a basket of fruits to your family during mass.
  • Grocery products
  • Money.
  • Host and church wines

Know also, how are the gifts presented at a Catholic funeral.

Presenting gifts. Family members can bring wine and bread to the priest. They can help by decorating the casket with the pall or selecting the scripture readings.

What are the gifts of Mass?


  • Sanctus bell. These bells are rung at both the Eucharist and Precious blood elevations.
  • Censorship and Boat
  • Crucifix for processional use.
  • Altar.
  • Ambo.
  • Burse.
  • Corporal.
  • Purificator.