Asked by: Guzman Hendschel
Asked in category: food and drink, non alcoholic beverages
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

Where did the word zest come from?

Zest Cooking
The term was borrowed from French cuisine, which has provided many culinary delights for English speakers. French people used zest (now they spell it zeste) as a term for orange peel or lemon peel that was used to flavor food and drinks.

What is the meaning of my zest, then?

zest. Zest refers to a type of enthusiasm or zeal. If you have a zest to do something, it means you are willing to put all your heart and soul into it. People who have the same taste in life are known to have " zest for their lives." They live with lots of flavor and gusto.

What is the synonym for zest? zestfulness (noun), vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment. Synonyms: flavor, piquantness, sapidity, savour, piquance, relish, gusto, flavour, smack, tanginess, tang, zestfulness, piquancy, savor. nip, piquance, piquancy, piquantness, tang, tanginess, zest(verb)

Similar questions are asked about zest and zeal.

The meanings of zest and zeal are: * : Having great energy or eagerness for something. Synonyms: passion, devotion. * Zest is energy or enthusiasm for a job.

What is the root word for optimism?

Optimism means to expect the best. It is derived from the Latin term optimus which means "best". You can believe that the best things will happen even if they don't always happen.