Asked by: Eveli Patzlsperger
Asked in category: events and attractions, wedding
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

When should an engagement party be held?

Three months

Who throws an engagement party?

Traditional engagement parties were hosted by the bride's parents. However, nowadays anyone can host the party. This party can be planned and prepared by the groom's family, friends, or other close relatives. Some couples choose to host their own party!

The next question is: What is the proper protocol for hosting engagement parties? The traditional engagement party is hosted at the home of the bride's parents. However, friends and family members may also be invited to the event. One party may be for family and friends and one for friends.

Another question is: Is an engagement party required?

There are many events that take place before the wedding. This means there are plenty of opportunities to have fun. You don't have to put a strain on your budget for an engagement celebration . The whole process of planning your wedding is an occasion!

What time do you need to wait before you can get engagement photos?

Before you start planning your wedding, it is important to take engagement photos within the first 1-2 months. Engaged couples should immediately hire a photographer to capture their engagement photos. This will ensure that you don't have any problems later in the wedding planning process.