Asked by: Giuseppe Colasso
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders, medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

Is there a symbol for MS?

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Ribbon: The orange ribbon is for it. Because an MRI of the brain looks like a butterfly, the butterfly is named. The many colors of the butterfly symbolize the unpredictable course of MS and its constant changing symptoms.

What is the symbol for multiple-sclerosis?


Do animals also get multiple sclerosis, or vice versa? Multiple sclerosis-like diseases were discovered in monkeys. Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University discovered a disease that occurs naturally in monkeys and is very similar to multiple sclerosis in humans. This discovery could have a significant impact on efforts to understand multiple sclerosis.

Can I get a tattoo with MS?

A tattoo that was done before MS diagnosis did little to impact the outcome (data not shown). Click here to view the Library. This higher rate may be due to the increased risk of acute bleeding in this group.

Why is the MS ribbon so orange?

The orange ribbons were used in August to promote awareness and support Autoinflammatory Awareness Month.