Asked by: Fatimatu Zava
Asked in category: business and finance, debt factoring and invoice discounting
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is included in short term liabilities?

Accounts payable, taxes payable and unearned revenues are examples of short-term liabilities.

What are some examples of short-term liabilities?

Short-term liabilities:

  • Trade accounts payable.
  • Accrued expenses.
  • Taxes payable.
  • Dividends payable.
  • Customer deposits.
  • Short-term debt.
  • Current portion of long-term credit
  • Other accounts available

What are other liabilities, aside from the above? Analyzing a Balance sheet The section called "other liabilities" on the balance sheet is a general category. Here companies can consolidate miscellaneous obligations and debts. Other liabilities include accrued expenses and sales taxes payable, as well as other items.

You might also wonder what short-term debt includes.

The Key Takeaways. Short-term debt also known as current liabilities is a company's financial obligations which are due to be paid within one year. Short-term debt includes accounts payable, short-term bank loans and wages.

What are some examples of liabilities?

Some examples of liability accounts that are reported on a company’s balance sheet include

  • Notes are Payable
  • Accounts payable
  • Salaries Payable.
  • Earnable wages
  • Interest is payable
  • Other accrued expenses are also payable.
  • Income taxes are payable.
  • Customer Deposits