Asked by: Ciriaco Virosta
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is a "scaphoid pad"?

An older term for the navicular bones is scaphoid. The navicular, also known as the keystone of an arch, is the bone at the top or center of the arch. The scaphoid pad supports the navicular (scaphoid).

What is a Thomas heel in this regard?

Thomas heel is a shoe correction that involves a heel measuring one-half inch in length and eight to six inches on the inside. It's used to bring the heel into varus and prevent depression around the head of your talus.

What happens if Morton’s neuroma is not treated? Some people with Morton’s neuroma experience an abnormal walking pattern, which is known as an aabnormal galita. This is due to constant pain and pressure. This could lead to arthritis and back pain.

Know what a metatarsal is?

Semi-firm metatarsal bar PPT cushions are semi-firm, cushioned pads that support and protect the metatarsal bones at the ball of your foot. They provide relief from most forefoot pains. Metatarsal Bar PPT cushions, also known by met pads, help to transfer weight from painful calluses and sore metatarsal bone.

What is the difference in Morton neuroma from metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia. Morton's Neuroma presents as numbness, tingling, and then becomes worse and develops into pain. Metatarsalgia is more common and often starts as dull pain that eventually turns into sharper pain. Morton's Neuroma can cause a prominent mass between your third and fourth toes.