Asked by: Chantel Dito
Asked in category: automotive, auto safety technologies
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

When parking uphill, why do you have to turn your wheels in the opposite direction from the curb?

1 Answer. 1 Answer. The rear wheels will stop the car if the front wheels are facing the curb.

Know which direction you should turn your wheels when parking uphill, even if there is no curb.

If you are facing uphill and there is no curb, turn your wheels to the right. If the vehicle rolls it will roll off the road and not into traffic (Diagram 2-53C).

What does curbing your wheels mean? It is a common term in the car industry to describe damage to a vehicle's wheels or hubcap from being rubbed along an curb. This condition is often called curb.

Another question that might be asked is, "Do you put your tires on the curb?"

No matter whether you park your car facing downhill or uphill, the rule is to turn your wheels so the car's weight will push them towards the curb. If your vehicle is facing uphill, you can turn your front wheels towards the curb and allow your vehicle to roll backwards until it touches the curb.

How can you get out of parking uphill?

If you park uphill, turn your wheels towards the curb. If you are parking uphill, turn them towards the curb. Put your foot on the brake and then turn the steering wheel in the correct direction. If the brakes fail, this will prevent the car rolling into traffic.