Asked by: Achille Mimon
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How long does it take for lumbar strain to heal?

Most back muscle strains heal quickly, with many recovering in a matter of days or weeks. Patients with mild to moderate lumbar strains usually recover quickly and feel no symptoms in days, weeks or even months.

How do you treat a strained lower-back?

  1. As soon as you sustain an injury, ice your back to reduce swelling and pain.
  2. Heat your back after 2-3 days of icing.
  3. If your doctor recommends it, take painkillers and other medications.
  4. Get support.

How do you tell if your back is pulled? Signs that you have pulled muscle in your lower back

  1. Your back hurts more when you move than when you remain still.
  2. Pain radiating from your back into your buttocks, but not into your legs.
  3. Back spasms or muscle cramps.
  4. Trouble walking or bending
  5. It is difficult to stand straight.

What is the severity of a lumbar strain?

Lumbar sprain occurs when the ligaments, which are tough bands of tissue that connect bones together, are torn. These can be caused by a sudden injury, or gradual overuse. A lumbar strain or sprain could be very serious.

What is the time it takes to heal a torn ligament?

This causes a spasm to immobilize the affected muscles, which acts as a splint protecting the ligaments and joints. Ligament injuries are usually caused by a trauma. They can take anywhere from 6 weeks to one year to heal depending on how severe the injury is.