Asked by: Gandharva Hehlinsk
Asked in category: healthy living, nutrition
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can rabbits eat tomatoes and onions?

Yes, rabbits can have tomatoes. But only as a treat. tomatoes can be eaten small or large, and they are all edible. Rabbits can eat the fruit without any side effects, except for all parts of the plant like leaves, vines and flowers. Also, the green fruits can be toxic.

This begs the question: Can a rabbit eat onions?

There are many medicinal uses for garlic and onion, but they shouldn't be given to rabbits. Onions as well as garlic can have an immunosuppressive affect in bunnies. rabbits could also experience anaphylactic reactions. Instead, consult Vegetables and Treatments to find safe food for your rabbit.

What can rabbits eat? Contrary to popular belief rabbits require more than just lettuce. A balanced diet should include fresh vegetables, fruits, and some pellets.

Avoid giving a rabbit

  • All human treats.
  • Beans.
  • Beet greens.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Cereal.
  • Chocolate.
  • Corn-cob or corn-cob treats

Another question is: Can rabbits eat cucumbers and tomatoes?

Rabbits love tomatoes. They can eat tomatoes without difficulty, but tomatoes must be eaten in small quantities. Give them only once in a while.

What vegetables are bad to rabbits?

Myth #1: Rabbits eat carrots

  • You shouldn't eat carrots as your main source of food.
  • Rabbits won't eat root vegetables/fruit.
  • Hay is more than just bedding.
  • Lettuce-based diets are not a good idea.
  • Some lettuces (e.g., iceberg) should not be eaten by rabbits. Icebergs are not recommended for rabbits as they can contain lactucarium, which can cause severe health problems in large amounts.