Asked by: Vahram Gopalakrishnan
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, woodworking
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Can I use Tyvek under hardwood floors?

Are Tyvek products safe to use under hardwood and laminate floorings? TyvekA(r), Weatherization System Products have been designed and tested to be used above ground for exterior wall applications. They should not be used in any other form of flooring or as a substrate.

You may also wonder if I should put a vapor barrier underneath my wood floor.

Wood subfloors Sometimes, a moisture barrier should not be used. You shouldn't use a moisture barrier if you are installing hardwood floors on top of a wooden subfloor. Moisture can build up over time between the moisture barrier and your hardwood flooring.

What underlayment should you use for hardwood floors, other than the ones mentioned? Your choice of underlayment will depend on the type of wood flooring you have installed. Floating engineered hardwood floors and solid-hybrid flooring will use a padded floor underlayment like Floor Muffler. Nail-down hardwood floors use paper underlayment like Aquabar-B or Silicone Vapor Sheild.

You may also ask, "Can you put anything underneath hardwood flooring?"

Two traditional materials used between hardwood flooring and subfloor are paper or felt. Paper and felt don't absorb sound in any way. They also make the surface easier to walk on in the same way that laminate flooring has foam underlayment.

Can you use rosin paper under hardwood floors?

Rosin paper can be used as an underlayment underneath hardwood floors. It acts as a moisture barrier and allows the wood floors above to breathe. Rosin paper is an essential part of the hardwood floor installation process.