Asked by: Hourya Jacq
Asked in category: sports, baseball
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What years did Mark McGwire play for the Cardinals?

His Major League Baseball (MLB), playing career spanned 1986 to 2001, while playing for both the Oakland Athletics & the St. Louis Cardinals. He won one World Series title each in 1989 with Oakland and 2011 with St. Louis as a manager.

What teams did Mark McGwire play for, as well?

Mark McGwire, who was born in California in 1963 and grew up in the United States, was one of the greatest hitters in baseball in the 1980s and 1990s. He was a member of the Oakland Athletics as well as the St. Louis Cardinals (and the Chicago Cubs).

What year did McGwire retire? 2001

Another question that might be asked is when did Mark McGwire reach 62?

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Human Resources Player Year
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What was Mark McGwire’s number?

25 St. Louis Cardinals/First baseman