Asked by: Alcides Landagaray
Asked in category: technology and computing, digital audio
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

What is a digital curriculum?

A digital curriculum is a program or set of materials that are designed to reinforce or teach school standards and objectives. Online courses that are delivered via a learning management platform (LMS), or digital and online curriculum programs that teach a specific subject such as math, could be examples.

You might also ask: What is a digital learning tool?

Digital learning is an instructional method that helps students. This makes use of many technology-enhanced educational methods. This includes blended learning, personalized learning and flipped learning.

You may also be curious about what digital resources are. Any resource that is digitalized can be called digital resources. This is a resource that can be read and scanned using electronic media. Digital resources don't need to be kept in separate spaces in libraries. They can be stored locally or remotely on a computer.

Know also what digital tools are?

Digital technologies refers to electronic tools, systems and devices that store, process, or generate data. Examples include social media, online gaming, multimedia, and mobile phones. Any type of learning that makes use technology is digital learning.

What is the importance of digital learning?

Digital Learning makes students smarter They encourage cooperation and teamwork, which are essential skills in all aspects of life.