Asked by: Yrma Amor
Asked in category: technology and computing, browsers
Last Updated: 29th Jun 2024

How do I rollback terraform?

Terraform's standard way of representing "rolling back" is to place your configuration in version Control and commit before each change. You can then use your version control system features to revert to an earlier configuration, if necessary. However, not all changes can be reversed by simply reverting a change in the VCS.

How do I get rid of terraform state?

Command: state rm. The Terraform State Rm command can be used to Remove Items from the Terreform State. This command can be used to remove individual resources, multiple instances of a resource or entire modules.

The next question is: How do I update my Terraform state file? The terraform refresh command reconciles Terraform's state information (via its state file), with real-world infrastructure. This can be used for detecting any drift from the last-known and to modify the file. While this does not alter infrastructure, it does modify the state file.

What command is given to demolish the Terraform infrastructure?

Command: destroy. To destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure, use the terraform destroy command.

What is Terraform Tfstate Backup?

A backup of your state file will be written to Terraform by default. tfstate. backup to aid in recovery if the state file is corrupted or lost. Terraform uses the state file to track resources and metadata information regarding your infrastructure.