Asked by: Caron Zurbruegg
Asked in category: medical health, dental health
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What was the first disinfectant used?


People often ask when disinfectants were invented.

The Rockefeller Institute reported a new agent, known as quaternary mmonium salts, in 1916. It had bactericidal qualities. However, the use of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) as a germicide/disinfectant wasn't formally recognized until 1935[4].

Second, what disinfectants are hospitals using? Clorox Germicidal wipes and Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant With Bleach (The Clorox Company) are the most well-known sodium hypochlorite products.

You should also know what disinfectant is?

Definition of disinfectant. A chemical that is free from infection, especially: A chemical that destroys the vegetative forms of harmful microorganisms (such bacteria and fungi), especially on inanimate objects. However, it may not be as effective in eliminating spores.

What are the three levels of disinfection?

There are three levels to disinfection: high (intermediate) and low (low). High-level disinfection (HLD), kills all vegetative microorganisms and mycobacteria.