Asked by: Idalina Machial
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is the type of an enum in C

C. Enumeration (or simply enumeration) Enumeration, also known as enum, is a user-definable data type within C. It is used to assign names and integral constants to programs. The keyword enum is used to create new enumeration type in C or C++. Here is an example for an enum declaration.

What data type is an Enum?

An enumerated data type is used in computer programming. It can also be called enumeration or factor in R programming language and a categorical variable in statistics.

The next question is: What is the purpose of an enum? Enums can be used to know all values at compile-time, such as options on a menu, rounding modes and command line flags. It does not matter if the constants of an enum type remain fixed. Java 1.5 uses the enum data type to represent enums.

People also ask: What is the size of an enum in C?"

Although the C standard states that enums must be integers, it doesn't specify their size. If your code uses less than 256 values, the enum must be 8 bits in width. C will increase the size of the enum by 8 bits if you have more than one value than 255. This is enough space to hold the largest number in the Enum.

Explain what are enumerated data type by example?

[Describe with an example] Enumerated Types: This data type allows the programmer the freedom to create his own data type and determine the value variables. Enum, also known as enumerator, is an integer or number that has defined meaningful numbers.