Asked by: Chabeli Davidovitch
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is a virion composed of?

Virion is an entire virus particle. It consists of an outer protein shell called the capsid and an internal core of nucleic acids (either deoxyribonucleic, ribonucleic, or DNA). The core confers infection, while the capsid gives the virus its specificity.

Similar to the previous question, Viron is also being asked.

Definition of virion. A complete virus particle is one that contains an RNA core or DNA core and a protein coating, sometimes with external envelopes. This is the extracellular infectious form.

What is a virion quizlet, too? Virion. Extracellular virus that consists of a protein coating (capsid), surrounding a nucleic acids core, either DNA, RNA, and together called a nucleocapsid, or an envelope. You have just read 24 terms.

Also, what is the capid made from?

The protein shell of a virus's capsid is its protein. It is made up of many oligomeric structural units , which are composed of proteins called protomers. Capsomeres are the 3-dimensional morphological subunits that can be observed and may or not correspond to specific proteins. The virus' genetic material is enclosed within the capsid.

Is there a virion still alive?

Two infectious disease doctors said that it is possible, but it all depends on your definition of "alive". All living organisms (such as plants and animals) have cellular machinery that allows for self-replication. Viral DNA and RNA are not able to replicate by themselves, but they can be found in free forms.