Asked by: Ivaneide Rathgen
Asked in category: business and finance, recalls
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is the third lesson Eddie teaches in heaven?

Eddie discovers that his father died for being loyal. Eddie's third lesson was to forgive his father and let go of his anger. He is back at the diner where his father was. He says to him that he is sorry and "it's fixed" (144).

So, what's the last lesson Eddie has learned?

Chapter 12 - The Final Lesson: Eddie is finally able to unravel one of the greatest mysteries of his life. He did indeed find the child he had to save from the Philippines' burning tent. Tala was her name and she is the fifth person Eddie meets when he goes to Heaven.

Similar, what's Eddie's fourth lesson? Marguerite teaches Eddie the power of love, her fourth lesson. She tells Eddie that even though people eventually die, their love will continue to endure even after their death. Although her life was over before Eddies, her love and devotion to him will never end.

Second, who is the third person Eddie meets when he's in heaven?

Ruby Pier is the third person Eddie will meet in heaven. She helps Eddie learn to let go and forgive his father. Eddie's only true love and wife. Eddie lived with Marguerite for his only true love.

Which person was Eddie Meet in Heaven's fourth?
