Asked by: Etelvina Ospelt
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, needlework
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

How often should Juniper be watered?

After planting your juniper shrub, water the area once a week for the first 12 months. You should soak the area in enough water to moisten it to 18-20 inches.

This begs the question: How much water does a Juniper Bush need?

Planting ground cover Junipers Plants can be on their way to adulthood as long as they get enough water for 1 inch per week during their first year.

How do you water a bonsai juniper bonsai? Watering: The juniper roots hate soil that is too wet. The soil should be slightly dry before you water. Regular misting of the tree is possible, especially after it has been repotted. This is because the tree benefits from the humidity. Continue reading to learn more about watering Bonsai Trees.

Then, you might also wonder, "How do I take care of a Juniper tree?"

To keep young shrubs hydrated, water them well. Mulch with bark mulch or pine needles to keep the soil moist. In spring, fertilize with compost and an organic food for evergreens. After a spring spurt of new growth, prune junipers to shape them and remove diseased or dead branches.

Does juniper bonsai need direct sunlight?

Your juniper bonsai trees must be grown in a place that receives more than 4 hours of sunshine per day. Also, the soil should not become too dry. You must place your tree outdoors, where it can receive lots of sunshine. Juniper plants cannot be grown indoors.