Asked by: Rito Drehsen
Asked in category: style and fashion, makeup and accessories
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What number of rings can you wear in Navy?

Rings. Only one ring is allowed per hand while in uniform. A wedding/engagement set is also permitted.

Similar to the above, is it possible to wear rings in military service?

Soldiers can wear a wristwatch and a wrist identification bracelet with two rings. A wedding set is one ring. All jewelry worn by soldiers must be conservative and of good quality.

You should also know that you can't wear rings during basic training. One bracelet or one pair of earrings is allowed. Only a wedding ring is allowed for male soldiers.

Also, is it possible to wear jewelry in the Navy

The U.S. Navy has specific rules and regulations for jewelry, including piercings. Official policy states that jewelry can be worn by all personnel provided it is in good taste and remains conservativea. They must not pose a danger to safety or FOD (Foreign Object Degradation) hazard.

Is it allowed to wear hard parts in the Navy?

A hard part is one that is not shaved in the hairline.