Asked by: Erika Urresti
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is Osteectomy?

1. Surgery to remove bone 2. Resection of the supporting osseous structure in dentistry to remove periodontal pockets. Synonym(s): osteoectomy.

What is also being removed during an Osteectomy?

1. Surgery to remove bone 2. Resection of supporting osseous structures to eliminate periodontal pockets in Dentistry. Synonym(s): osteoectomy.

You may also wonder what tendon removal is called. Tendon release (also known as tenotomy) is a surgical procedure in which a tendon is cut or disconnected to give you more movement.

What is an Osteectomy?

Noun, plural osA*tecA*toA*mies. Excision of all or part of a bone.

What is the procedure for removing a joint?

Arthroplasty refers to a procedure that rebuilds your joint. There are many types, including the possibility of having your joint removed. Resection is to remove something. Resection arthroplasty refers to surgery in which your doctor removes a portion of your joint to relieve your symptoms.