Asked by: Bousso Sage
Asked in category: medical health, medical tests
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

Which test can be used to compare two independent samples?

Independent Samples t Test is a statistical test that compares two groups to see if there are statistical differences in the mean of the population. The Independent Samples t Test can be used to test parametric data.

Know how to tell if two samples have been compared?

It is important to determine whether your samples are dependent on each other:

  1. If one sample's values affect another, the samples will be dependent.
  2. If one sample's values do not reveal any information about the other, the samples can be considered independent.

The next question is how can you determine the difference between two groups? The t ratio is used to calculate the probability of error (p value). If p = 0.01 or less, the statistical significance of a difference between two groups (experiment vs. control) is determined.

It is also important to understand the comparison distribution of an independent sample t-test.

A comparison distribution in a test for independent means is a distribution that shows the differences between means. If the null hypothesis is supported, a t-test is any statistical hypothesis testing in which the test statistic follows the Student's distribution.

What does it mean when the samples are not independent?

Independent samples are random samples that have their observations independent of any other observations. They could then compare the average blood test results of the two labs using a 2-sample-t-test which assumes that the samples are independent.