Asked by: Belisa Arbaizagoitia
Asked in category: events and attractions, birthday
Last Updated: 4th Jul 2024

What is the Ukrainian Christmas celebration?

Ukraine celebrates Christmas on 7th January. This is due to the fact that, unlike many other countries, where the Orthodox Church is the main Church, they also use the old Julian calendar for their church festivals. On Christmas Eve (6th January), the main Christmas meal, known as 'Sviata Vecheria (or Holy Supper), is served.

What are some Ukrainian Christmas traditions?

Christmas Eve or 'Sviatyi Vechir,' as it is known in Ukrainian ('Holy Evening), is full of customs and rituals. These customs include decorating the house and dining table with unique attributes (didukhs, garlic, hay, and others), and performing koliadky ("carols").

How long does Ukrainian Christmas last for? The 40-day Fast of Phillip takes a little longer to complete than the approximately 28 days of Advent leading up Christmas. Makowsky states that the Ukrainian Christmas Day kicks off a 12 day period of carolling, more celebrations, and ends with the Epiphany litany on January 19.

People often ask what Santa is called in Ukraine.

Ded Moroz, also spelled Did Moroz, is the Ukrainian and Russian equivalent of Santa Claus.

What traditions are there in Ukraine?

This guide will give you an insight into the vibrant culture of Ukraine.

  • Christmas. Christmas, which is observed in Eastern Orthodox countries, is celebrated on January 7, and is considered one of the most significant holidays of the year.
  • Food.
  • Events.
  • Easter.
  • Pysanky.
  • Easter Baskets
  • Weddings.
  • Dancing.